Partnering with us

Thank you for partnering with YWAM St. Moritz.


Your financial gifts help us spread the good news of Jesus and care for people in need. We are grateful to God for your help!

You can make a Online Donation


International Bank Transfer
Bank: GKB
Bank Address: CH-7000 Postfach Chur
IBAN: CH57 0077 4010 4478 1870 0
Swift: GRKBCH2270A
BC-Number: 774
Account Owner: YWAM St. Moritz
Address: Via Giand'Alva 21, 7500 St. Moritz - Switzerland
Please include your name and what you are giving towards in the comment.

Contact us

Thank you again for your generosity! If you have any questions about making a donation to YWAMSt. Moritz please use our contact form.